"Surrogacy": the uterus as a biopolitical commodity





This article aims to evaluate surrogacy as an instrument of biopolitics for the domination of women's reproductive bodies. To this end, the work was developed using the following question as a problem: to what extent does surrogacy appear to be another form of biopower over women's bodies?  The main objective is to understand the role of biopolitics in controlling women's bodies through the "surrogacy" institute. It is structured in three sections, which correspond to the specific objectives of the study: a) to characterize women's sexual and reproductive rights in Brazil; b) to discuss biopolitics and its mechanisms of control over reproduction and women's bodies; and c) to understand the "surrogacy" institute in the use of the uterus as a commodity. The research method employed was hypothetical-deductive, using bibliographical and documentary research techniques.

Key words: biopolitics; sexual rights; reproductive rights; surrogacy.

Author Biographies

Ana Luísa Dessoy Weiler, UNIJUI

Mestra em Direitos Humanos pelo Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito da Unijuí. Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa "Biopolítica e Direitos Humanos" (CNPq). Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Dafhini Carneiro da Silva, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestra em Direitos Humanos pelo Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito da Unijuí. Integrante do grupo de pesquisa "Direitos Humanos, Governança e Democracia" (CNPq). Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. 

Joice Graciele Nielsson, UNIJUÍ

Doutora em Direito pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (São Leopoldo/RS). Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito da UNIJUÍ. Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. 



How to Cite

Weiler, A. L. D., Silva, D. C. da, & Nielsson, J. G. (2024). "Surrogacy": the uterus as a biopolitical commodity. Profanações, 11, 349–367. https://doi.org/10.24302/prof.v11.5337


