Socioeconomic environmental profile of recyclable materials collectors




The unbridled exploitation of the environment and the inadequate disposal of solid waste imply social damage. The objective was to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental profile of the Collectors of the Association and Cooperative in dialogue with the principles of the Solidarity Economy and the data presented by the Institute of Applied Economic Research - IPEA (2013) and the National Movement of Recyclable Material Collectors - MNCR (2021). This is a qualitative descriptive, bibliographic, documentary research with comparative and content analysis. The results indicate that the Recyclable Material Production Cooperative of Tangará da Serra/MT stands out in gender, since most of the cooperative members declare themselves to be female when compared to the data from IPEA and MNRC, another relevance is in labor relations. While in the Association of Recyclable Material Collectors of Cáceres the reality is the opposite. However, incubation based on the principles of the Solidarity Economy is important in the process of socio-productive inclusion.

Keywords: incubation; self-management; environmental education; cooperativism; public policies.

Author Biographies

Frankielle Alline Pereira Correa, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

Doutoranda em Ciências Ambientais. Mestra em Ciências Ambientais pela Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT). Cáceres. Mato Grosso. Brasil.

Sandro Benedito Sguarezi, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

Doctor in Social Sciences Doctor in Social Sciences (Concentration Area: Sociology), from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo-PUC/SP in 2011. Master in Administration also from PUC/SP (2003). Specialist in Rural Administration from the Federal University of Lavras/UFLA-MG (2000). Graduated in Administration from the State University of Mato Grosso/UNEMAT (1993). Educator by choice, since 1995, he has prioritized scientific production in the area of ​​Sociology/Education. He was the founder (2004), and is currently Coordinator of the Center for Research, Extension and Studies of Complexity in the World of Work (NECOMT), of the Research Group: Management of family farming and agroecology (GAFA) - (CNPq 2003). He was the founder and Leader of the Research Group on Sustainable Regional Development and Transformations in the World of Work (GDRS) -(CNPq 2006), He was the founder and Coordinator of the Program: Incubator of Self-Managed, Solidarity and Sustainable Collective Organizations (IOCASS)-( 2011), financed by CNPq/2013 and MEC/PROEXT/2017. Founder of the Research, Innovation and Social Technology Network in Solid Waste Management, Sustainability and Solidarity Economy (REPITES) and representative of REPITES Centro-Oeste. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), based at the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Language (FACSAL), in stricto sensu he works as a professor in the Postgraduate Program in Education PPGEdu Master's level at UNEMAT in the line of Education and Diversity research. He also works in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences at the Masters/Doctorate level (PPGCA-UNEMAT). He is the National Coordinator of the Provisional Commission of the Interuniversity Network for Studies and Research on Work (UNITRABALHO), and a member of the National Council for Solidarity Economy (CNES), state and municipal Solidarity Economy. It is dedicated to research on: public policies, logistics, production chains, local production arrangements and organization of cooperatives and networks with a focus on the socio-productive inclusion of workers in conditions of social vulnerability, popular education and self-management, in dialogue with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Sonia Aparecida Beato Ximenes de Melo, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso

PhD in Environmental Sciences from the State University of Mato Grosso, Master's in Environment and System. of Agricultural Production by UNEMAT. Postgraduate in Controllership, Postgraduate in Higher Education Didactics. Graduated in Accounting Sciences from Centro Universitário de Campo Grande (2001). She has worked as a researcher and Higher Education Teacher since 2004. She is currently a full professor at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT) in Tangará da Serra, MT, in the disciplines of Accounting Theory, Accounting Ethics, Supervised Internship and Course Completion Work , with research, teaching and extension.



How to Cite

Correa, F. A. P., Sguarezi, S. B., & Melo, S. A. B. X. de. (2025). Socioeconomic environmental profile of recyclable materials collectors. DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional Em Debate, 15, 58–76.


